National/World Sailing Organizations
- The American Sailing Association
- The International Boating Library
A site for water sports information center for all craft, equipment, travel, and skills. - The OnLine Yacht Club
Official Sponsor of the BOC Race 1994-1995
Official Sponsor of the Whitbread Race 1997-98
Official Sponsor of the Around Alone Race 1998-99
Registered member yacht club, US SAILING
Local Sailing Organizations
- New York Sail Racing
bringing you news, results and more from the race courses of Western Long Island Sound and around New York City.
Weather Sites
- (The Weather Channel)
Always the first stop for everything from the local five day forcast to Tropical Updates to Weather History and Trivia! - Intellicast
This site has the most local radar images available on the web, through NEXrad. - NOAA (The National Oceanografic and Atmopheric Association)
Check in live with bouys across the country, large scale satellite shots from GEOS 8!